Page 3 - Huronia Community Foundation - 2023 | 2024 Annual Report
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        Once again this year Huronia Community Foundation continued to work with our fund sponsors to assist the most
        vulnerable in our community. From food insecurity to youth mental health HCF was able to make a difference
        by supporting the local charities who continue to work endlessly in support of those less fortunate across North

           HCF was one of over 170         This year Huronia Community
           Community Foundations           Foundation provided $254,471.34       In December, our GIVING TUESDAY
           across Canada who               in grants to 67 local charities and   campaign saw HCF set a record for
           provided over $400 million      organizations. This year was truly    donations to this annual event. Circle
           to local charities through      a CELEBRATION OF GIVING.              December 3rd 2024 on your calendar.
           the Community Services
           Recovery Fund (CSRF).
           Locally, 12 charities shared   The Huronia Ukrainian Support Project brought over   Twenty local charities
           in $352,000.                 a half dozen families to our area. Thanks once again to   shared in $24,000 in
                                        Knox Presbyterian Church, Penetanguishene Lions Club   grants provided by our
                                        and the countless group of volunteers and generous   annual Smart and Caring
          Through the financial support   donors who helped make a difference in the lives of   program.
          of the LabX Charity Fund and   those fleeing the conflict.
          the Paul Fahey Endowment
          Fund the Scientists in School   Through the financial
          STEM Program delivered 48     support of the M. Wayne and                          The work of HCF was
          free workshops in various     J. Coleman Family Fund,                              highlighted in over 100
          public schools across         HCF launched the Heart of                            news articles during the
          North Simcoe. This year the   Georgian Bay Community                               past year, from Midland
          program inspired 960 young    Forward Fund. 19 charities                           to Victoria Harbour,
          scientists!                                                                        Penetanguishene
                                        shared in $91,600 that                               to Elmvale and
                                        will help them continue to                           everywhere in between.
                                        provide their services to the                        HCF was also nominated
          Through a Smart and Caring    individuals they support.                            last year in the category
          Grant supported through the                                                        of Community Support/
          Brookside Music Association,                                                       Spirit Category at
          Northern Spirit Music was     In collaboration with a group of Wasaga Beach based   the 2023 Southern
          able to build a Community     businesses and residents the Dr. Sarah Adams Bursary   Georgian Bay Chamber
          Based Fiddle Program at       was created. This annual $500.00 bursary will be     of Commerce Business
          James Keating Elementary      awarded to a Wasaga Beach student graduating from    Achievements Awards.
          School in Penetanguishene.    high school.

                                                                                    HCF ANNUAL REPOR T 2023-2024 | 3
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