Page 2 - Huronia Community Foundation - 2023 | 2024 Annual Report
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             FROM THE


             This has been a year of great achievements for         Increasingly HCF will focus on how to maximize the
             HCF thanks to the board members, staff, volunteers,    impact of grants on local community needs, as we
             community charities and of course, our very            continue to build HCF endowed funds to support
             generous donors.                                       HCF operations and grant streams.

             This past year saw a lot of work at the board          HCF offered two new granting initiatives, the Heart
             committee level. In addition to endowed funds that     of Georgian Bay Community Forward Fund and the
             provide support in perpetuity and flow through         Community Services Recovery Fund, in partnership
             funds that provide short term grants, HCF will be      with Community Foundations of Canada. Along with
             providing new fund types that blend both short and     grants from endowments, these two grant streams
             long term goals. Thank you to volunteers on the        helped HCF grant a record setting $600,000 to
             Stewardship Committee for all your work to offer       local charities.
             this new option for donors.
                                                                    Next year will be exciting as HCF marks our 25th
             Our COMMS Committee was very active in                 Anniversary. As we look forward to the year ahead,
             reviving social media activities and digital-based     we celebrate the ways in which HCF is impacting
             communications. The Governance committee               our community today. In the pages that follow, you
             welcomed several new board members with                will read about how local charities, with support
             refreshed orientation materials. The Finance           from HCF grants, are achieving the vision of
             Committee successfully transitioned HCF assets         improving the quality of life and building a strong
             from the Toronto Foundation to the Community           community.
             Foundation of Orillia and Area (CFOA). Together
             the efforts of volunteers, staff and board members
             are making HCF a leader for philanthropy in our
                                                                                   Susan Lalonde Rankin
             Another key accomplishment this year was the                          President
             development of a new three-year Strategic Plan.                       Huronia Community Foundation
             The three key directions for the next three years are
             1) Inspire 2) Transform 3) Grow.

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