Page 6 - Huronia Community Foundation - 2023 Vital Signs Report
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about aspects of water
        quality in some areas. Issues
        along the eastern Georgian
        Bay coastline and within
        Severn Sound, which is a
        collection of embayments
        at the southeast end of
        Georgian Bay, such as overgrowth of algae,
        combined sewer overflows during storm
        events, and water levels fluctuations were
        identified as high priority for action (4).

                           Overall, Remedial Action Plan
                           targets for Severn Sound are         MONITORING LAKE HEALTH
                           being met for phosphorus,            Photo courtesy of Severn Sound Environmental Association (SSEA)
                           chlorophyll a, water clarity         warnings and extreme storms may occur, as
                           and dissolved oxygen, with           well as reduced air quality. Long-term weather
                           exceedances in certain areas         shifts can also impact water quality, and
                           around Honey Harbour.                the ability to grow food. Once a 1.5°C global
        Concentrations of sodium and chloride,                  temperature rise is reached, the risk of food and
        the main components of de-icing salts, are              water shortages as well as extreme weather
        increasing regionally, and sodium levels in             events drastically increases.
        some drinking water sources are a potential
        concern for those on sodium restricted diets.             •  If patterns continue, within the next 50 years, the climate
        Algae that can produce offensive taste and                  of the Great Lakes Basin will increase by 2-4°C (9).
        odour compounds or toxins are present in the              •  Over the last 50 years, surface water temperatures
        area, and there have been increased reports of              averaged across Severn Sound have increased by 2.3°C.
        blooms. This can have an impact on the health               Warmer waters are a key risk factor leading to more   DID YOU KNOW?
        of people and wildlife. There are instances                 frequent algae blooms (10).
        were some local rivers do not meet Provincial
        Water Quality Objectives for phosphorus
        and suspended sediments, although trends                LOSS OF HABITAT,
        generally show improvement. (5)                         NATURAL HERITAGE,
                                                                AND FARMLAND
           DID YOU KNOW?  • North Simcoe features over 80 swimming areas and   critical for plants and animals
             • There are over 7,000 private wells (6), plus 87
                                                                Intact, diverse habitats are
               municipal wells and 4 municipal surface water
               intakes, servicing thousands of residents (7).
                                                                to thrive, creating balanced
                                                                healthy ecosystems. Wetland habitat loss due
               beaches (8).

                                                                continued spread of invasive species. These
        CLIMATE CHANGE                                          to development is a major concern, along with
                                                                issues contribute to other environmental
        Climate change can be                                   problems, such as loss of forests and wildlife
        defined as long-term                                    habitat, and degraded water quality (11). There
        shifts in temperatures and                              are also concerns that farmland is being lost
        weather patterns, which can                             due to development, which represents a
        negatively impact human                                 permanent loss of productive soils (12).
        and environmental health.
        As a result of these shifts, more summer heat
    6 | North Simcoe and Area’s Vital Signs Report 2023
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