Page 17 - Huronia Community Foundation - 2023 Vital Signs Report
P. 17
“Most jobs available in this area do not pay enough for
people to afford to live here in the current uncontrolled
real estate ‘wild west’…”
“Real estate market is out of reach of most people.”
“Despite having a good income, I would be scared to need
to find alternatives as there is little availability and poor
affordability. Especially if wanting something of good
“A large segment of the Canadian population SERVE UP DINNER
is struggling with poverty and income security Photo courtesy of The Guesthouse
(social assistance rates, low-income cut-offs
and minimum wage), housing affordability For the North Simcoe region, 39.4% of
(including vacancy rates, cost of housing renter households spend more than 30%
and social housing wait lists) and food
insecurity which puts them at increased risk of their income on housing, and 14.8% of
of homelessness. A large number of families owner households do so. 18.2% of the renter
are making choices between paying rent and households live in subsidized housing (18). The
feeding their kids. Too many Canadians are wait time to get into subsidized housing in
living on the margins and are just one small Midland and Penetanguishene is between 4.5
disaster or missed paycheque away from and 8 years (19).
homelessness (14).”
A person earning the minimum wage of $15.50
The reality of this analysis for our North Simcoe per hour (20) with a full-time job in Midland
community comes into sharp focus when we (based on a 40 hour work week), will pay about
look at the responses to our 2022 survey of 44% of their wages on a rental. If they have a job
residents. 75% of the respondents had doubts that pays the current “living wage” of $20.70 per
about being able to find alternative affordable hour (21), they will pay about 33% on rent.
housing if they did not have their current home (15).
Whether a North Simcoe area resident working
We are living in difficult economic times. The full-time, earning the minimum wage, the
need for affordable housing is even more working wage, or the median wage, what is the
pressing, as a November 2022 Canada-wide likelihood that they can live day-to-day, and save
survey found: for a down payment and qualify for a mortgage
for a house. Many are just getting by.
…almost all Canadians (96 per cent) surveyed
said their cost of living has increased this past Our North Simcoe region is in the same boat
year and four-in-five Canadians (78 per cent) as many other places. Everyone is dealing
are worried about having to spend less on
food, savings, transportation costs, and/or debt • Median annual income of a North Simcoe area resident in
payments to continue to afford their current
housing (16). 2020 - $38,500 (22)
• Rent for a one bedroom apartment in Midland – well over
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation $1,000 per month (23)
(CMHC) says that housing is “affordable” if you • Rental vacancy in Midland – less than 2% (24)
pay less than 30% of your income for it. This • Average house price in Midland and Penetanguishene- KEY FACTS
leaves you enough money to pay for food, about $700,000 (25)
clothing, and other essentials (17).
North Simcoe and Area’s Vital Signs Report 2023 | 17