Page 3 - Huronia Community Foundation - 2022 | 2023 Annual Report
P. 3



        This past year was not without its challenges, however, as we have been doing since 2000, HCF continued to
        provide support for the charities and organizations across the North Simcoe area. The impact to our organization
        was not as significant as many other charities experienced. The main reason is you, our fund holders. Again, your
        generosity and support of HCF allowed us to continue to provide a high level of support for many causes within
        our community.

           Through financial            Twenty-two local charities shared in the   This year the Huronia Community
           support from both the        $24,700 in grants provided by our annual   Foundation provided $221,605.02 in
           Town of Midland and the      Smart and Caring program.               grants to 61 charities and organizations.
           Midland Rotary Club, HCF
           successfully completed and
           launched our VITAL SIGNS
           2023 report highlighting      Through the financial support of the LabX Charity   Local high school students
           the needs of our local        Fund, the Cedar Ridge Endowment Fund and the M.    were the recipients of over
           communities.                                                                     $10,600 in scholarships
                                         Wayne and J. Coleman Family Fund local food banks
                                         shared in almost $40,000 in grants to support their   provided through various
                                         programs during the busy holiday season.           funds established at HCF.

                                                                                            HCF partnered with the
                                        Through a Smart and                                 Muskoka Community
                                        Caring Grant the Quest                              Foundation, the Barrie
                                        Art School+Gallery was                              Community Foundation
                                        able to provide creative                            and the North Bay
                                        connections and support of                          Community Foundation
                                        their partnership with groups                       to provide a $5,000 grant
                                        such as CLH Developmental                           to the Georgian Bay
           The Councillor Richard       Support Services free of                            Biosphere-GBB to support
           Hinton Memorial Fund         charge.                                             the work of the Georgian
           received a generous                                                              Bay Anishinaabek Youth
           donation of $1,500 from                                                          (GBAY). With this funding
           the annual Tiny Township     In partnership with Knox Presbyterian Church, the   the group was able to
           Mayor’s Golf Tournament.     Penetanguishene Lions Club and an group of dedicated   share cultural knowledge
           The donation helped provide   volunteers the Huronia Ukrainian Support Project at   with students at Rosseau
           a scholarship at GBDSS.      HCF enabled a number of families to escape the conflict   Lake College as well as
                                        in their homeland.                                  youth from Beausoleil First

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