
Councillor Richard Hinton Memorial Fund

Councillor Hinton began  his  career at the age of  18,  becoming  one of  the youngest retailers  of  Texaco  Canada by purchasing  the station  where he  had worked since he was  13  years  of  age.   He began  a partnership  with  one  of  his  co-workers,  Steve, who  was  a  mechanic by trade.  Since that time Richard successfully partnered in  six businesses,  all relating  to  the retail gas  and service industry.
In  2002,  he began  the Esso  Dealer Owners  Group  to  give a  stronger voice to  gas  station  owners. Recognizing the  potential of  the organization  to  contribute to  the community,  he became co-chair of Rebecca’s  Run,  raising  desperately needed funds  for Spinal Muscular Atrophy.  Working  with  and on behalf  of  a  family from the community where Richard’s  gas  station  was  located near Campbellville, Ontario,  Esso’s  annual Rebecca’s  Run  raised over $150,000  from 2004-2007 by organizing  donations  through  independent gas station dealers  in  Ontario.
 Richard and his  wife Cathy,  purchased a  cottage on  Cawaja  Beach  in  Tiny Township in 1999,  where they spent all of their spare time,  and in  2013,  Richard purchased, renovated, and opened the Cawaja  Pines  General Store,  which  had been  closed and vacant for the  previous  7  years.   Richard and his wife Cathy really enjoyed connecting  with  the  neighbourhood,  and the many visitors  to  the Tiny community.   The Hinton family has  found it very gratifying  to  have been  able to  provide this  type of  service to  so  many appreciative folks  who  have thanked them over and over for reviving  and bringing  life back  to  the  local community by providing  a  fun  and welcoming  gathering  place.
In  2014,  Richard was  elected  Councillor in the Township  of  Tiny.  During the period 2014-2018, he dedicated his  life to  the people of  Tiny and took  all of  their issues  to heart, becoming  good,  close friends  with  many  of  Tiny’s  permanent residents  and cottagers  who  asked for his help or advice .   Richard had always  wanted to  serve in  some form of  public  office and we are so happy and proud that he was  able to  make that  a  reality in beautiful Tiny Township.
“It is in thankfulness for Richard’s life and in recognition of his dedication, commitment and love for personal service to all Tiny residents that we are pleased to establish the “Councillor Richard Hinton Memorial Fund” for the purpose of providing an annual scholarship/bursary to a deserving young person who is a permanent resident of Tiny Township and is enrolled in post secondary education programmes..”  Cathy, Brittany and Zack Hinton

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